
Candidate for the position of Student Council members 2022-23



Let's create together!

Hi I’m Michal, I’m a 1st year Architecture student and I am standing to be one of your Student Coucil Members.


My vision: Social activities, pursue opportunities, joint-decision making!

My mission:

  • Creating social events programme that will be open and inclusive for every student
  • Remove the 40% on reassessments, because even the best student could make a fault
  • Established cooperation with others Universities, which will help us to hold a new series of events aimed at getting more people involved in Uni social life to increase outreach and reputation
  • Ensure students are completely involved in planning next academic year and feel comfortable with the decisions
  • Pursue to create societies which could create more opportunities for students with different interests and passions
  • Make sure students stay at the heart of everything what’s happening at the SU!


Even if the other candidates fail I am very happy to use their ideas,

and if I don’t win I will do my best to give my ideas and build the Student Union together!



I think these aims will have a positive impact on our University, because everyone of us feel similar needs independent of family background, origin, skin colour or gender.

I am very focused on communication and making joint decision which could ensure us that we are on the right track to make London MET Students feel comfortable, safe and happy to make the next step.  Clear Joint Decisions = Clear Actions.

I'm sure any of us need to make sure feel engaged at the University and have fun with studying in London. We are going to make decision and difference at the University together!



Why me?

I’m Michal Larysz, just a young man with a head full of ideas from Poland.

In the meantime I love to create architecture projects, play the guitar and hang out with my friends (drinking coffee in the meantime obviously).

I have experience in leadership and I have developed the following skills: cooperation, active listening, keeping a high spirit in the time.

I used to be a president of my previous school and I've manage to make valuable changes, which are still being used presently! It helped me to better understand the needs of the students and build a strong community of people who wants to work and create a Union together.

I also worked and took a part in various projects (such as Erasmus), getting experience and developing myself socially in different countries e.q. Portugal. That experience helped me to understand how to work with people with different backgrounds and interests, and getting a group together to make our work easier!



Thank you for reading my manifesto. Feel free to get in contact with me by contacting me at:

My Website:








Get together,

Smile whenever,

(Even in British weather),

To make your choice better,

And change this Uni forever!





Your candidate,



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Mondays to Fridays: 10am-5pm

The Students' Union is physically closed for Summer, if you want to contact us please e-mail or leave us an answerphone message on 020 7133 4171. E-mails will be picked up quicker by the team than answerphone messages.