Student Council

What is the Student Council?

The Student Council is the main representative body of the Students’ Union and is made up of students who represent different groups from across the University such as Student Reps and Student Group (e.g. society) leaders. Its main function is to be a discussion and debating forum for London Met students to discuss relevant issues and to make policy proposals for the Students' Union. A key function of the Student Council is to hold to account our executive officers (full and part-time officers). 

It also provides an opportunity for students to share information from their course, school, student group, or liberation forum with fellow students. The Student Council is also a great way for students to develop their skills such as confidence, communication, interpersonal, and public speaking skills. It is an opportunity to meet fellow students, make friends and develop their social and networking circles. All students are welcome to attend and speak at Student Council meetings.

The Student Council is convened in accordance with the LMSU Memorandum and Articles of Association (part 4) and Byelaw 3 of the LMSU Governing documents.

Student Council Role Description

Chair and Deputy Chair Role Description

Bye-law 3 - Regarding the Student Council 


Student Council membership 2023-24: 

Up to eight Full and Part-time Officers (Executive committee) - were elected to the Student Council in March 2023.

Up to 10 Directly Elected Student Council members - were elected to the Student Council in March 2023.

Up to 24 Student Reps elected to the Student Council - were elected to the Student Council in October 2023.

Up to 24 Student Group Members (one per student group) - were elected to the Student Council in October 2023.


All London Met students are welcome to attend Student Council meetings as observers and can also ask questions. Any questions please email Eddie at

Election of Student Reps and Student Group members to the Student Council 

The election of Student Reps and Student Group members was concluded in the week commencing 23rd October 2023. All those who have been elected have been communicated with and have been invited to training and the meetings.  


Student Council training 2023-24: 

Student Council training has now concluded. For your information: 

Student Council training presentation 2023-24 

Student Council dates 2023-24: 

Wed 22nd November 5.00-7.00pm in TMG45, Holloway Campus. 

Tue 12th December 5.00-7.00pm in TMG79, Holloway Campus (please note this is a date change, it was origionally planned for Wed 13th but is now on Tue 12th Dec. 

Wed 7th February 5.00-7.00pm in TMG-78 Red Zone, Holloway Campus

Wed 10th April 5.00-7.00pm

Wed 8th May 5.00-7.00pm 

All of the above sessions are hybrid. To access the link please log in to this site via the top-right corner and the link will appear here:


Student Council Handbook

Student Council Handbook 2023-24


What can I gain from being a member or attending Student Council meetings?

  • A chance to get more involved in your Students' Union
  • Be part of campaigning for and making change for the better 
  • Meet new students and make new friends 
  • Get to learn more about how the Students' Union and university work 
  • Gain great skills and experience such as communication, interpersonal, negotiation, assertiveness, and public-speaking skills 
  • Be part of the London Met Students' Union volunteer community and attend our social and other events 
  • Receive a Student Council lanyard, and certificate and mention on your degree transcript you volunteering efforts 

What is the time commitment for Student Council members?

All Student Council members must attend a training session or complete their online Student Council training online (see above). They are expected to attend each Student Council meeting that takes place and expected to spend some time reading the agenda and agenda papers (these are lists of matters to be discussed at the meetings) prior to each meeting and after the meeting the minutes (notes of what was discussed). Further time commitment is optional. There will be plenty of opportunities to support other Students' Union activities, and events depending on your circumstances. 

Within the Student Council, there are also various other opportunities available for members to consider stepping up to. For example, the Chair and Deputy-Chair of the Student Council will be elected by and from existing members at the November 2023 meeting. The Chairs prepare the agenda, run the meetings and take a leadership role in making the Student council happen. They are given additional training and full, ongoing support. 

The Student Council is run in accordance with the article and bye-law 3 of the Students' Union governing documents (or constitution)


Student Council members participating in the June 2022 Student Voice Conference at the Holloway Campus

Any questions please contact the secretary Eddie Rowley at  




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Opening Hours

Mondays to Fridays: 10am-5pm

The Students' Union is physically closed for Summer, if you want to contact us please e-mail or leave us an answerphone message on 020 7133 4171. E-mails will be picked up quicker by the team than answerphone messages.