LMSU is here to support, represent and enrich the lives of London Met students.
Students’ unions are separate to universities and are led by students for students. They exist to represent your needs and interests whilst you are studying whilst also providing lots of opportunities, activities and events to improve your time at university.
As a student at London Metropolitan University, you are automatically a member of London Met Students’ Union and can get involved straight away.
We are a democratic organisation led by elected officers, overseen by a Board of Trustees and supported by a team of professional staff.

Your Officers
An officer is a student who has been elected by other students to hold a leadership position within the Students’ Union.
At London Met Students’ Union we have:
4 full-time officer positions - President, VP Education, VP Equity and Welfare and VP Activities and Opportunities; and
4 part-time officer positions representing 4 liberation groups - Women students, BAME students, LGTBQ+ students and Disabled students
Full-time officer positions are paid and you can either take a year out of your studies to be one or become one immediately after the end of your course. Part-time officers hold their positions whilst also studying.
You can find out more here.

Your Student Voice
Student Voice is all about you and your fellow students' views and opinions being listened to while at London Met. The Students' Union is there to represent you to the university, the local community and at a national level.
Our elected officers are there to make sure this happens. They lead on student-led activities and campaigns to bring about positive change on the issues that matter to you and work to ensure that students have the services and opportunities you need to help you succeed.
You can engage with the Students' Union both in-person on campus and remotely. Each course has Student Reps elected by the levels cohort. They are there to represent you with regard to academic and related issues affecting your course or module. They are a communication channel between you, your Students’ Union and the university as well as being involved in shaping changes to the way the University is run.
Our Student Council is there to make sure the Students' Union is doing what students want. It's run for students, by students and is made up of student representatives elected from and by the student body.
Finally, our officers hold regular meetings that provide great opportunities to meet them and to work with them in making sure your student's voice is heard. Keep an eye on our Events listings for details

Our Advice Service
Our Advice Service provides free, confidential and independent advice, support and representation to all students on a range of university-related issues. This includes but is not limited to:
Here are some of the things the Advice Service can support you with:
Advise you on what happens next
Help you prepare
Provide tips on how to best proceed
Provide possible options to allow you to make an informed decision
Accompany you to meetings if required
We’re basically your first port of call if you get into difficulty and need some support.
For further information please visit our webpage or email theadviceservice.su@londonmet.ac.uk.

Supporting You
We know that your time at University can sometimes be difficult and we’re here to help make sure your time is the best it can be. We can support you in lots of different ways including:
Ensuring your voice is heard and your needs are represented within the University.
Providing advice on any issues you may be experiencing at university including appeals, meetings, hearings, complaints and mitigating circumstances.
Running services and activities that provide you with opportunities to have fun, meet other people and learn new skills.
We exist to make student life better so get in touch if you need help with something - If it’s not an area we cover then we will point you in the right direction to someone who can help. You can find out more here.
Student Groups
Need a social life at Uni? We’ve got U
Uni is the best time to explore new interests and meet new people. Our Student Groups offer the chance to get involved with student-led activities on and off campus, and cover a variety of areas; from interest and community Societiesto hands-on experience through Verve Media. So what are you waiting for?
Each of our Student Groups is different, and the commitment of getting involved varies. You can check out and get your membership to any of our Student Groups by visiting our website.
If you can’t find a Student Group that’s right for you, you can team up with two interested students to start a new Student Group; growing and developing as a person by gaining skills in confidence, leadership, and decision making.
Find out more about our Student Groups here.

SU Services and Reception
The Students' Union reception at Holloway is there to help point the way and can also assist with your TOTUM discount cards.
Email: studentsunion@londonmet.ac.uk
Phone: 0207 133 4171
Main Office: Harglenis Building, Holloway