
Candidate for the position of Disabled Students' Officer 2022-23



Invisible disability is real.

Mind your MIND and be Kind!


Who am I?


I am Alina, a BSc Psychology student in my third year, and I stand for the Disabled Students’ Officer role, a volunteering, part-time position in the Student Union. 


My standing for this role is heartfelt and personal because I am a student living with a disability. I have two long-term conditions, Fibromyalgia and Hypermobility, both invisible to the eye. I am optimistic, and I speak humour as my second language despite this.


I look forward to sharing our stories and creating a new sense of shared meaning, friendship, and community!


Why vote for me?


My heart goes out to all students with disabilities, visible and invisible alike. I know the loneliness, the self-doubt, the frustration and feeling misunderstood. As a result, I am motivated to fight the stigma around disability and help rewrite the story of living with disability.


I have been a Student Rep for my Psychology course for two years now. I have listened to my peers, advocated for them, and lived to see improvements in multiple areas of the student experience. The experience and skills I gained in this role equipped me to stand up and advocate for students with disabilities.


What can I do for you?

When elected, I want to make sure adequate support is put in place for students with disabilities, just like accessibility on campus, inclusivity, and well-being:


  • I will Listen and Advocate for all the students with disabilities.
  • I will liaise with LMU to promote all the resources and support available to students with disabilities.
  • I will create a Disability Awareness Campaign on the different types of disabilities because increased awareness brings about more kindness.
  • I will create a Mental Health Support Group for students to keep in touch online and meet for tea once a month. The group will focus on aiding students’ mental health.
  • Together, we will create a Disability-Empowering Community with special events, guest speakers and resources to help us achieve our best while studying!


To find out more about me, come and meet me on Instagram: @able2smile


Being able to smile despite living with a disability has been an

enduring reality in my life; this inspires me to remind you that

smiling is your Superpower too!











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Opening Hours

Mondays to Fridays: 10am-5pm

The Students' Union is physically closed for Summer, if you want to contact us please e-mail or leave us an answerphone message on 020 7133 4171. E-mails will be picked up quicker by the team than answerphone messages.