
Candidate for the position of Student Council members 2020-21



First year BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE student running to become YOUR Women’s Officer!

Vote Denisa Silvana  #1 as YOUR Women’s Officer, and TOGETHER we’ll cut the stereotype!

Why do l want to represent women at LMU?

Because l believe that everyone should have equal opportunities and protection regardless of gender and l want to welcome women into a safe space.


How was l involved in the university life until now?

I have been elected Student Representative of the School of Human Sciences by my fellow students and tackled issues that include the exam help available, tutorial groups and behaviour in the laboratory in both the student council and the student representatives meetings.


How else am l involved in the student life?

I started my journey by working at the Rocket, the student bar, which gave me opportunities to meet and network with inspiring like-minded individuals. 

I am part of the LGBTQIA+ society ???‍?? and l would like to show a huge support to the community by organising more inclusivity events with the Women’s forum, BAME society and LGBTQIA+ society .

I am also standing for a position within the student council, which l already am a part of and as a delegate for the NUS conference.

I also want to continue to network with Oeste, who is running for the position of Human Science Part Time Officer in getting better discounts at local restaurants and retailers, meat free days, better recycling facilities, etc. 


What’s different to my CAMPAIGN?

“Mens sana in corpore sano”- a healthy mind in a healthy body


As a medical student, l understand the link  between the human mind and mental well-being. 

Therefore, I will NOT tolerate any type of harassment to women within the university premises!

I will run a sexism awareness workshop for the Student Union and anyone interested, including members of staff.

Why should YOU vote for ME?

Because l will be there whenever l’m needed and l will build a Women’s Support Group  for anyone that faces any type of issues and open up a discussion about INCLUSIVITY within the Student Union partnering with the LGBTQIA+ society and BAME society and providing you the opportunity to be heard and understood.


You know who to vote for ;)

And her name is Denisa Silvana (: .



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