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October Volunteer Spotlight: Ana Brito

Every month, we highlight the great work of some of our student volunteers. This month, we spoke to Ana Brito and her experience as a student volunteer at LMSU.

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Volunteer Spotlight October 2022 Ana Brito

Hey there!


My name is Ana and I’m in the final year of my Society, Politics and Policy BA. I’ve worked at LMSU as a Student Receptionist since last year and this year I’ll also be assisting as a Student Activities Assistant. Apart from this, I also volunteer as a Committee Member for the Ammesty International Society (which was founded last year).


I’ve always been passionate about human rights, but unsure of how to become involved in actual work, so when this society was formed it seemed like a perfect match and I have definitely been proven right. Between being able to organise with close friends and work on campaigns for causes that I firmly believe in, volunteering is something that really fills me with joy and has allowed me to learn skills like admin, customer service, budgeting, social media management and interpersonal skills; all very important skills which I will be taking with me when I graduate. It’s also very gratifying to slowly build a community of people with shared values and ethics who will then hopefully move on to continue pursuing community organising and multiply the positive outcomes of organising, fundraising and raising awareness. If you are interested in joining us, or starting your own passion project but feel overwhelmed, don’t be! The Student Activities team is available to advise and guide you on not just how to set up a society, but how to maintain it, through training opportunities and set allocated funding.


You may be scared of wearing too many hats, but they all serve their purpose. I strongly  believe that attending university should be about more than academic achievements (important as these may be), but that it should also be perceived and tackled as an amazing opportunity to broaden your horizons, explore your interests and values, build a community and make amazing lifelong friends. Through all my different hats I have managed to do just that, and I hope that you all do too.




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