
Candidate for the position of President 2022-23



Lead, Meet, Students' Needs


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"A leader is someone who identifies the students' needs and problems, as well as solutions to what's is possible" Who am I?


Hi, My name is Shiva-Jane Abbasvand. I am an MBA student at the prominent London Metropolitan University. I got elected in 2020 for the student trustee role and since then I have had the opportunity to listen, watch and read the Students' Needs and Problems closely. 

If elected! I will continue as YOUR PRESIDENT to develop, identify and measure what is possible for students', students’ officers' and the prominent LMU to meet their needs and drive solutions forward development and improvements that you want to SEE.


What are my AIMS if elected!

  1. Increase Cap Mark From 50% to 65%
  2. Improve the Timetables and LMU Software
  3. Enable Funding and Grants to LMU students and the LMU Research Department.
  4. Developed New Sustainable Policy Around Anti-Social Behaving Mentality


What are my Plans to achieve the changes?

1. Increase in Cap mark: 

 Due to already gathered data via in-depth research carried out by the LMU Students Union student officers, there is evidence and measurements that explain it's possible to increase the Cap mark from 50% to 65%.


2. Improve Timetables and the LMU Software: 

 I aim to email the LMU asking what is the cause of the delays? But only Your Votes will make a change and will enable me to ask those questions to research in-depth to give insights to the problem. 


3. Access to Funding and Grants to LMU students and the LMU Research Department: 

According to the Student Money Survey 2021, 76% of students worry about making ends meet due to the living costs. 

Good News: according to the UK Parliament in (2022) There is an increase in Government funding and grant available for  Undergraduates and Higher Education . My plan is to develop a new project to support students in making the application journey easy and smooth like a piece of cake for You.         


4.Developed a New Sustainable Policy Around Anti-Social Behaving Mentality: 

Via innovation in strategy and models can find the best possible solutions. If elected! I will propose a new discipline project which includes references to written blogs and developed a virtual training for anti-social mentality such as rescim, sexual harassment, bullying.


Why me?

Because I am very passionate about People/students’ needs and problems and find solutions for the current and future issues and needs. I am not into politics but pretty much into business and society needs. I am quite confident in identifying issues and needs and turning them to opportunities to achieve the objectives and in here aligned with LMU and Students' Union policies and governance.


Mr Tony Hyland 

DWP Senior National Employer 

Partner Account Manager at UK Civil Service

Mrs Joanne Thorp

Students Union Student Trustee

Student of the London Metropolitan University Sports and Exercise Science 


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Opening Hours

Mondays to Fridays: 10am-5pm

The Students' Union is physically closed for Summer, if you want to contact us please e-mail or leave us an answerphone message on 020 7133 4171. E-mails will be picked up quicker by the team than answerphone messages.